Optimum Physiotherapy & Pilates | Optimum Physiotherapy & Pilates
Optimum Physiotherapy and Pilates, offering lessons and one to one treatments at Lansdowne Hall, Derry Hill, Calne, Wiltshire
Optimum,Physiotherapy,Pilates,Lansdowne Hall,Derry Hill,Calne,Wiltshire,Juliet Walker Shepherd,
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Welcome to Optimum Physiotherapy

Postural Analysis

Our bodies let us down when tired, stressed or overworked. Assessing the way we hold ourselves when standing, sitting, lying down and moving can reveal and explain the reasons for long term painful conditions.


Regular exercise can ease a range of conditions and make us feel good! Identify your weaknesses, address restrictions and imbalances and achieve your goals.


This system of exercises targets strength, flexibility, endurance and co-ordination incorporating modern principles of exercise science and rehabilitation. Ideal for all from rehab and recovery to Active Agers.

What our clients say

Physiotherapy & Pilates

Optimum Physiotherapy and Pilates provides reliable advice and management solutions from rehabilitation to body conditioning. Juliet Walker-Shepherd, private practitioner and teacher focusses on movement and exercise rehabilitation, assisting clients to achieve their best possible outcomes after injury, long term hospitalisation or chronic dysfunction.
optimum physio and pilates